Dear Beckwith Families,
March Madness is here, which means we are busy preparing for a summer filled with children’s voices declaring “the best week ever.” Rachel is conducting interviews, hiring counselors, designing t-shirts, appointing deans, and getting excited about summer camp 2020. I know you have questions and concerns regarding the Coronavirus Virus (COVID-19) and how it might affect Beckwith summer camp. We are following the guidance of the CDC and American Camp Association to assure that we are doing everything possible to support the efforts to slow and stop the spread of this illness. Please know that we have reviewed and updated our policies and procedures in connection to our healthcare, on-site cleanliness and support of guests and campers who might have concerns. We are committed to our continued care of all of our staff, guest, and campers and will continue to monitor the situation closely and follow the advice of our local and national agencies in regard to our response. It is certainly our hope and prayer that the threat will have diminished by the time camp starts, but we want to be prepared for any possibility. So in short we are still preparing for a wonderful summer in God’s front yard! We will continue our planning, hiring an incredible staff, and designing t-shirts. The Coronavirus is on our minds and our prayer lists. We look forward to a camp season filled with love and wonder on the shores of Weeks Bay. Our leadership team is excited to meet and greet each of our campers upon arrival this summer. So, get your camper Registered if you have not already. Several sessions are filling up quickly. God’s Blessings, Eleanor Reeves Executive Director Register for summer camp here Beckwith | 10400 Beckwith Lane| Fairhope, AL 36532
![]() Beckwith is pleased to announce that we have made some changes to our 2018 summer staffing. We believe these changes will strengthen our ability to provide a meaningful camp experience for your child while insuring proper oversight and supervision. Summer camp registration opens Monday December 10th at We look forward to welcoming Rachel Gilliam to the Beckwith leadership team in January Meet Rachel - the new Program Director I was born and raised in Huntington, WV, and it was in West Virginia actually where I was introduced to church camp. I fell in love with a place called Bluestone Camp and Retreat when our church went there for a fall weekend, and the rest is history--sort of. I have been involved with camping ministry as a camper, counselor, and assistant program director for a total of 14 years, and it is a ministry that is very close to my heart. I attended college at Transylvania University in Lexington, KY, and graduate school at Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC. For the past two and a half years, I have been in Fort Wayne, IN working at a Methodist church as the Director of Family Ministries. I look forward to my next chapter in the Fairhope, AL and Pensacola, FL areas. My dog, Aladdin, is especially excited to get away from the cold Indiana winters. I am a huge Disney fan, a major Harry Potter nerd, and a Christmas enthusiast. In good millennial fashion, I also enjoy a good brunch, which I have been told is quite a popular thing on weekends in Pensacola. So I am sure I will fit right in! I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting the planning for summer underway! ![]() We are excited to introduce Priscilla Condon - 2019 Summer Camp nurse Priscilla Condon, a long-time member of the Beckwith family, will serve Beckwith this summer as the full-time camp nurse. Priscilla has served as the camp nurse in several summers past, and is excited about living at camp this summer. Priscilla, a Retired Family Nurse Practitioner and a Master Nutritional Therapist, has a Master of Science Nursing from Vanderbilt University. Priscilla owns Path to Wellness in Foley working with clients concerning all areas of general nutrition. Priscilla served CREDO, an eight day wellness retreat for Episcopal clergy, for ten years as a health faculty member, retiring in 2017. We look forward to working with and learning from Priscilla as a member of the summer camp leadership team. 2019 Summer Camp Schedule Sr. High (9th-12th Grade): June 2 - 6 Leaders in Training(14 yrs +) June 6 - 7 Session 1 (6th-8th Grade): June 9 - 14 Session 2 (3rd-5th Grade): June 16 - 21 Session 3 (7th-9th Grade): June 23 - 28 Special Ministries: June 30 - July 3 Session 5 (5th & 6th Grade): July 7 - 12 Session 6 (6th & 7th Grade): July 14 - 19 Session 7 (3rd & 4th Grade): July 21 - 25 Family Camp (1st Grade & up): July 26 - 28 Summer Camp registration opens Monday, December 10 ![]() Beckwith Sunday - April 29th Please help us celebrate the ministry of camp, our youth, and the role Beckwith plays in the life of our diocese. We hope you will all take the time to celebrate Beckwith in your parish on Sunday April 29th. Parishes are encouraged to use the camp liturgy, Alleluia III song book, wear your favorite Beckwith shirt, wear your camp and Cursillo name tags, have parishioners and campers speak or preach in church - have someone talk about BayLights as a Diocesan Homecoming event and Beckwith event fundraiser. Bishop Russell has approved and encourages the use of the Beckwith Creed, the Beckwith Sunday Prayers of the People and The Great Thanksgiving found at or download the documents below: The Beckwith Creed - written by Sr. High Campers 2017 Prayers of the People The Great Thanksgiving Beckwith Fun Facts 2018 ![]() Beckwith Hires Director of Operations Our new Director of Operations, John Dreyfus, is coming to us from Memphis, TN where he serves as Director of Camps and Event Management at St. Columba Episcopal Conference and Retreat Center. John will be joined by his beautiful wife Chelsea who works as a Special Education Teacher and their cute little 2 y/o daughter, Eliza. John and his family will live on site at Beckwith. John grew up in Meridian, MS and attended Camp Bratton-Green in The Diocese of MS as a kid. Camp is where John and his wife met. They both served as staff members throughout school and were very involved in diocesan youth ministry for many years. After graduating from The University of Mississippi, John began working grounds and guest services at the Duncan Gray Center, home of Camp Bratton-Green, and eventually became Camp Director. After serving at Gray Center nearly 4 years, John became Communications Director at the cathedral in Jackson, MS for a short time before going to St. Columba. John and his family are excited to join the Beckwith family and can't wait to get started. Please help us welcome John, Chelsea and Eliza to Beckwith and the Central Gulf Coast. Greetings from God's Front Yard!
I am happy to report that 2017 was another successful year at Beckwith due to continued success with summer camp registration, retreat group bookings and the annual fund. Though business is increasing, annual fund donations and the money raised at BayLights are still crucial to us making the budget each year. Beckwith Summer Camp had a fabulous summer serving 808 youth in June and July. The Special Ministries camps are still very popular serving 57 Special Ministries campers and 22 Graduates. The Christopher Currie Endowment supports our camp scholarships so please consider a donation to send a child to camp. We are excited again this year about Beckwith Sunday, which is Sunday April 29th. Please put this on your calendar to help us celebrate the ministry of camp, our youth, and the role Beckwith plays in the life of our diocese. We hope you will all take the time to celebrate Beckwith in your parish on Sunday April 29th. BayLights had another successful year with Sean of the South as our guest speaker Friday night. Sean entertained the crowd with this music and storytelling keeping the attention of children, youth, and adults of all ages. The Bishop's BBQ, the Diocesan Ultreya, activities for the youth, the live and silent auctions, the Low Country Boil, and of course the music of Rock Bottom were all a part of a fun filled weekend for your entire family. We are grateful to all of our sponsors, donors, and those who attended the weekend. Save the Date for BayLights 2018, September 28th - 30th. The renovation of Wilson Hall, Beckwith's dining hall, is the focus of several grants written in 2017. We are happy to have received funding from Impact 100 Baldwin County, The Alabama Power Foundation, and Crampton Trust. This year we were able to complete the next steps in Strategic Planning by hiring Quina Grundhoefer Architects to direct the master plan process for Beckwith. Quina Grundhoefer will guide us through site analysis, site studies, and design character that will guide the direction for Beckwith's future. The Beckwith campus and facilities are a critical part of the Beckwith brand of radical hospitality. I hope you will make plans to visit us at Beckwith this year. Blessings, Eleanor ![]() IMPACT 100 named Beckwith Camp and Conference Center as one of five recipients of a $90,000 grant. Beckwith won in the category of ENVIRONMENT, PRESERVATION AND RECREATION. The project is titled: Investing in Its Future and Envisioning Environmentally Friendly and Energy Efficient Facilities. This grant provides for renovation of Wilson Hall, specifically the kitchen, dining hall, screen porch, and handicap parking area to enable serving 30,000+ meals a year more economically and efficiently; improve accessibility for the disabled, and further increase the number of guests in the future. ![]() Sean of the South entertained the crowd Friday night sharing stories of southern culture and the music of his youth. The Bishop's BBQ hosted a large gathering as everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather, outdoor yard games, and fellowship. The Cursillo family gathered after lunch for a Diocesan Ultreya before heading to the Chapel Undercroft for Saturday night festivities. Music by Rock Bottom spread across the grounds prior to the auction and dinner. Bill Hamilton was the 1st Choice Raffle winner choosing the 5 bedroom Perdido Beach house donated by Priscilla Condon. Following the live auction everyone enjoyed the Low Country Boil, continued music with Rock Bottom and dancing under the stars. Beckwith is blessed by the generosity of our sponsors, donors, shoppers, and guests who made BayLights 2017 a huge success. The live and silent auctions brought in $23,762 with the raffle tickets sale adding an additional $9,000 to the total. Thank you Bishop Russell, Beckwith Board, Beckwith staff, and all of our Beckwith friends and family for your continued support of BayLights. Thank you Cindy McCrory and Blue Room Photography for the fabulous photos taken during the weekend. Read Sean of the South's blog about BayLights View and download free BayLights photos here Beckwith is a finalist for IMPACT 100 Baldwin County! IMPACT 100 Baldwin County has announced the 10 grant finalists selected for 2017. Five of these 10 nonprofit finalists will each receive a grant of $90,000 at the IMPACT 100 Baldwin County's annual meeting on November 1st. Beckwith's grant proposal is written around renovations to Wilson Hall and the kitchen. The project title: Investing in Its Future and Envisioning Environmentally Friendly and Energy Efficient Facilities Representing Beckwith are Eleanor Reeves
and Daniel McMullen |
Eleanor reevesExecutive Director Archives
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